RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, Ceramic Fibre Sheath Single Core, Type K, Unscreened, 20m
Reel (1 Reel of 20 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, Fibreglass Sheath Single Core, Type K, Unscreened, 20m
Reel (1 Reel of 20 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, Fibreglass Sheath Single Core, Type K, Unscreened, 20m
Reel (1 Reel of 20 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, Fibreglass Sheath Single Core, Type K, Unscreened, 25m
Reel (1 Reel of 25 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, Glass Fibre Sheath Single Core, Type J, Unscreened, 20m
Reel (1 Reel of 20 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, Kapton Sheath Single Core, Type K, Unscreened, 20m
Reel (1 Reel of 20 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, PTFE Sheath Multicore, Type RTD, 7/0.2mm, Screened, 25m
Reel (1 Reel of 25 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, PVC Sheath Multicore, Type RTD, 7/0.2mm, Screened, 25m
Reel (1 Reel of 25 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, PVC Sheath Multicore, Type RTD, 7/0.2mm, Screened, 25m
Reel (1 Reel of 25 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple & Extension Wire, PVC Sheath Single Core, Type J, Unscreened, 25m
Reel (1 Reel of 25 Metres)
RS PRO Thermocouple Clamp for use with Miniature Thermocouple Connector
RS PRO Thermocouple Clamp for use with Standard Thermocouple Connectors
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with 1.5 mm Probe Thermocouple, M8
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with 3 mm Probe Thermocouple, M8
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with 6 mm Probe Thermocouple, 1/4 NPT
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with 6 mm Probe Thermocouple, 1/8 NPT
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1.5mm Probe Diameter, 1/4 BSP
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1.5mm Probe Diameter, 1/4 NPT
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1.5mm Probe Diameter, 1/8 BSPP
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1.5mm Probe Diameter, 1/8 BSPT
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1.5mm Probe Diameter, 1/8 NPT
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1/4in Probe Diameter, 1/4 BSP
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1/4in Probe Diameter, 1/4 NPT
RS PRO Thermocouple Compression Fitting for use with Thermocouple With 1/8in Probe Diameter, 1/8 BSP